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Tier 1
0 members
$5 $3.75 first month
then $4.50 for subs
Special Discord Role And Channel
Custom Minimalist Portraits - 1 'subject' (people, pets, animals, etc.)
Tier 1 Merch Discount
Tier 2
0 members
$10 $7.50 first month
then $8 for subs
Special Discord Role And Channel
Custom Minimalist Portraits - 2 'subjects' (people, pets, animals, etc.)
Tier 2 Merch Discount
Tier 3
0 members
$15 $11.25 first month
then $10.50 for subs
Special Discord Role And Channel
Twitch VIP
Custom Minimalist Portraits - 3 'subjects' (people, pets, animals, etc.)
Tier 3 Merch Discount